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A Journey Back


As Covid-19 restrictions are slowly lifted by way of a series of pre-published milestone dates that form the government road map we each must assess what it means for us & our families.

It is clear that this individual assessment will result in different approaches by different individuals and indeed families from being very cautious to reverting to what was regarded pre Covid-19 as normal behaviour by some.

Basic hygiene practices that have applied over recent weeks and months like social distancing etc will be challenged by a growing debate both in terms of a clear basic need to get our economy moving again and lessen the impact on our mental health. Two meters versus one meter, who opens next, what happens in our creches and schools, when is it safe to re-visit family in community hospitals & nursing homes will all continue no doubt to lead to rigorous debate & differences of opinion depending on our individual perception of risk & so it should be.

Our re-opening principles

Restaurants like The Church are scheduled to open on the 29th of June.

As a family business with wellness at our core, our highest priority is our duty of care to your health, safety and well-being and that of our team. We have decided that we will re-open on July 3rd but only with the full commitment of our team and community to our cores re-opening principles.

These include:

1. Fastidious attention to hygiene and sanitation at every level throughout out the day by our team

2. Providing the means for our guests to sanitise or wash hands at all designated locations

3. Optimising our rural location in terms of social distancing by creating additional outside dining spaces

4. Maintaining 2 meters as the basic requirement for now regardless of any national move to reduce this to 1 meter. This will be reviewed regularly.

5. Operating separate guest entrance & exits.

6. The appointment of a dedicated team member to supervise all matters relating to day to day operation

7. A commitment from all our team that if they are for any reason unwell that they will not report for work unless check out by a medical professional.

8. Monitoring of all team members temperatures on arrival for work.

9. The wearing of face coverings by all our team

10. Our chefs remain focused on serving nutritious and delicious fresh food that is prepared safely.

11. Continuing to track and review both HSE, Government and Industry Best Practice Standards in the sole interest of you our potential guests and our team

12. Maintain our Church @ Home service by way of Contactless Collection service for those that wish to find a slower way back or one more suited to their personal need

The journey back will not be easy for anyone in our community. It will be especially challenging for all small and medium enterprises and their staff and it will be important for us all to encourage & support local enterprise in whatever way we can and to prepare and extend a warm Donegal welcome to all visitors be they domestic or overseas as they begin to travel and visit again. Ultimately, we will support you to do whatever you feel is best for you and your loved ones.

Thank you again for your continued support

Stay safe, be kind.




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The Church Restaurant, Bar and Café,

Rockhill House Estate,



Co. Donegal,

F92 EC5H

Contact Us:

The Church  - Restaurant, Bar and Café, Letterkenny

Enjoy a true taste of Donegal and of the North West Of Ireland at The Church, located on the Rockhill House Estate overlooking Letterkenny. Experience the colours, textures, aromas and tastes that makes Donegal one of the coolest places on the planet. The Church at Home lets you takeaway a taste of our Spirit of Place with contactless collection or contactless delivery.

©2024 The Church, Rockhill House Estate

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